Sunday, October 6, 2019
Centennial Celebration
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Debussy, Elgar, Beethoven
Soloist: Jonathan Miller, Cello
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·

Sunday, December 15, 2019
Holiday Pops
Soloists: John Castillo, baritone; Leslie Holmes, soprano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 9, 2020
An Afternoon at the Opera
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Gershwin, Mozart, Dvokak, Gounod, Brahams
Soloist: Elaine Daiber, soprano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Family Concert
2:15pm - Instrument Petting Zoo
Host and narrator: Brian Hagar-McKee
Soloist: Winner, Michael Welles Young Soloist Competition
Composers: Stephen and Douglas Gerber
Actress: Nancy Gerber
Guest artists: Wellesley 6th grade chorus
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 3, 2020
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Season Finale, and What a Finale!
Khachaturian, John Williams, Mussorgsky arr. By Ravel
Soloist: Keisuke Wakao, oboe
Music arranged for Wakao by John Williams
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
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Sunday, May 5, 2019
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Season Finale
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Soloists: Dana Varga, Rebecca Krouner, Neal Ferreira, Ronald Williams
New World Chorale
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Family Concert
2:15pm - Instrument Petting Zoo
Host and narrator: Brian Hagar-McKee
Soloist: Winner, Young Soloist Competition
Speaker: Leslie Holmes
Guest artists: Wellesley 6th grade chorus
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Classical Meets Contemporary
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Mozart, Southard (local premiere)
Soloist: Victor Rosenbaum, Internationally renowned pianist
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Afternoon at the Opera
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Celebrating The World of Wellesley
Rossini, Mozart, Gounod, Leoncavallo, Tchaikovsky
Soloist: John Castillo, superb young baritone
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Holiday Pops
Soloists: Elaine Daiber, soprano; Leslie Holmes, soprano and narrator
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 7, 2018
The Romanul Brothers
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Mendelssohn, Bruch, Lumbye, Dvorák
Soloists: Victor and Alexander Romanul
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, 12 and under FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 7, 2018
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Season Finale
Soloist: Julia Glen, violin
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 19, 2018
Family Concert
1:30pm - Instrument Petting Zoo
2:15pm - Show 'n' Tell with Leslie Holmes
Narrator Little Engline That Could: Leslie Holmes
Soloist: Winner, Young Soloist Competition
Host: Brian Hagar-McKee
Guest artists: Wellesley Middle School String Orchestra
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 11, 2018
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
All American
Narrator: Former Governor Deval Patrick
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
+MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Holiday Pops
Soloists: Emory Carroll, Phoebe Anthony, Jackson Daley, Leslie Holmes
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 19, 2017
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Celebrating The World of Wellesley
Delius, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov
Soloist: Owen Young, BSO cellist
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 7, 2017, 2:15pm
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
All Russian - Season Finale
Soloist: Victor Li, piano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Family Concert
1:30pm - Instrument Petting Zoo
2:15pm - Show 'n' Tell with Leslie Holmes
Family concert
Soloist: Winner, Young Soloist Competition
Host: Brian Hagar-McKee
Guest artists: Wellesley Middle School 6th grade chorus
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 5, 2017, 2:15pm
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Classical Potpourri
Soloist: Lucia Lin (BSO), piano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
Sergey Khanukaev, guest conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 18, 2016, 2:15pm
Holiday Pops
Soloists: Sopranos Nancy Hoffman Gerber & Leslie Holmes
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 20, 2016
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Opera and Beyond
Soloist: John Castillo, baritone
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 18, 2016
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven
Soloist: Soubaiou Zhang, violin
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 1, 2016, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Reznicek, Copland and Brahms
Soloists: MaeLynn Arnold, violin; Seth MacLeod, cello
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Family Concert
1:30pm - Instrument Petting Zoo
2:15pm - Show 'n' Tell with Leslie Holmes
Host: Brian Hagar-McKee
Wellesley Middle School String Orchestra
Wellesley Middle School String Orchestra and Chorus
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 7, 2016, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Archibald, Delius, Elgar and Dvorak
Soloists: Kelly Farewell, Chimes; Rebecca Krouner, mezzo-soprano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 13, 2015, 2:15pm
Holiday Favorites – Visit from Santa
Soloists: Leslie Holmes, soprano; Megan Bisceglia, soprano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 22, 2015, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Rossini, Elgar and Brahms
Soloist: Sebastian Baverstam, cello
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 8, 2015, 4:00-10:00pm
Boston Association of Cabaret Artists
20th Anniversary Celebration
Leslie Holmes, Emcee and Vocalist 5:00-5:30pm
Brian Patton and Tom LaMark, pianists
Original Board and many other singers
Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis Street, Framingham
Food! Fun! Come to the Cabaret!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven
Soloist: Sonya Ovrutsky Fensome, piano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 19, 2014, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by LaMontaine, Hovhaness, Haydn, Grief, Dudley Buck
Soloist: Joseph Foley, trumpet
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 23, 2014, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Beethoven, Schubert, Julia Scott Carey, Popper
Soloist: Zlatomir Fung, cello
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 14, 2014, 2:15pm
Holiday music
Soloists: Anya Olsen and Leslie Holmes, sopranos
The Snowman by Blake, Leslie Holmes, narrator
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 8, 2015, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Vaughan Williams, Debussy, Gershwin, Suk, Weber
Soloist: Vytas Baksys, piano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Pre-concert Instrument Petting Zoo 1:30pm
Pre-concert Show 'n' Tell with Leslie Holmes 2:00pm
Brian Hagar-McKee, Host
Wellesley Middle School String Orchestra
Wellesley 6th Grade Chorus
Soloist: Anya Olsen, soprano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 3, 2015, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
All Tchaikovsky Program
Soloist: Ilana Zaks, violin
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 11, 2014, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Copland and Dvorák
Soloist: Yi Qun Xu, cello
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Instrument Petting Zoo, 1:30pm
Show 'n' Tell with Leslie Holmes, 2:15pm
Peter and the Wolf narrated by Brian Hagar-McKee
Winner of Young Soloist Competition
Wellesley Middle School String Orchestra
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 9, 2014, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff
Soloist: Harry Rylance, piano
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 7:00pm Open Mic
Leslie Holmes Sings Cole Porter, 8:00pm
Tom LaMark, pianist
Amazing Things Arts Center
160 Hollis Street, Framingham, MA
$10 tickets available by phone, on-line and at the door · 508-405-2787
Sunday, December 8, 2013, 3:00pm
Holiday Pops
Holiday favorites, Visit from Santa
"Twas the Night Before Christmas"
Narrator: John O'Donnell, MassBay President
Soloists: Leslie Holmes and Noune Karapetian, sopranos
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 17, 2013, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Wagner, Debussy, John Williams, Schumann
Soloist: Thomas Martin, principal clarinet Boston Pops
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 20, 2013, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music by Bach, John Williams, Morricone, Beethoven
Soloists: BSO players John Ferrillo, oboe, and Victor Romanul, violin
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra; Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 12, 2013, 2:15pm
Mother's Day Concert Season Finale
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music of Rossini, Oboe Lee, Mozart, Schumann
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
Soloists: Mother and daughter: Cherie Asgeirsson, flute; Gréta Asgeirsson, harp
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Saturday, April 20, 2013, 6:00 pm
Leslie Holmes Sings Cole Porter
Tom LaMark, pianist
BACA Cabaret Fest 2013
First Parish Universalist Unitarian Church
35 Church Street
Watertown Square
$15 ($10 Seniors, Students) available on-line and at the door
Sunday, March 17, 2013, 1:30pm
Family Concert
1:30 Instrument Petting Zoo with Johnson Strings and Leonards Music
2:15 Show 'n' Tell with Leslie Holmes
The Legend of Longfellow Pond, World Première
Winner of Young Soloist Competition
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 10, 2013, 2:15pm
Out of this World with the WSO
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music of Lee, Debussy, Holst, Williams, Mozart, Chabrier, and Strauss
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
Soloist: Kevin Owen, French horn
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 9, 2012, 3:00pm
Holiday Pops
Nancy Hoffman Gerber and Leslie Holmes, sopranos
Holiday favorites, Santa, Singalong
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 18, 2012, 2:15pm
The Serious and Silly Side of Soviet Composers and a Polish Masterpiece
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music of Prokofiev, Khachaturian, Shostakovich, Glinka, and Chopin
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
Soloist: Eic Lu, pianist
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 21, 2012, 2:15pm
Celebrating Youth and the Classics
and The World of Wellesley
2:15pm - Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Music of Respighi, Fauré, Schubert, Dvorák, and Bizet-Sarasate
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Max Hobart, conductor
3:00pm concert, followed by reception
Soloist: Ilana Zaks, 12-year-old violinist
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday June 24, 2012, 3:00pm
Boston Singers' Resource Recital Series
All Music, All Delight: A Tribute to John Duke
to benefit the Boston Singers' Resource and the Boston Singers' Relief Fund
(please click here to read the full press release)
with performance by sopranos Leslie Holmes and Teresa Blume,
mezzo soprano Holly Zagaria, tenor Brendan Buckley, and pianist Beverly Soll
10 North Street, Danvers, MA
Admission: donation suggested
Infor. & Reservations:
Sunday, May 13, 2012, 2:15pm
Mother's Day Concert Season Finale
Pre-concert talk: Music of Massenet, Saint-Saëns, Frazin, Liszt, Ravel
By Leslie Holmes
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: Lisa Park, violin
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Wednesday, April 3, 2012
Leslie Holmes, soprano
Steven Sussman, piano
Solo recital: Cabaret Francais
Private concert for
The Union Club
Friday, March 30, 2012, 7:30pm
Ah Paree French cabaret program
with William Merrill at the piano
Music will include chansons by
Porter, Ellington, Kern, Arlen, Piaf, Brel, and others
Springstep, 98 George P. Hasset Drive Medford, MA, 781-395-0402
Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at or at the door if the show doesn't sell out.
Sunday, March 11, 2012, 2:15pm
Family Concert
Pre-concert Show'n' Tell by Leslie Holmes
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Leslie Holmes: Narrator for The Little Engine That Could
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 12, 2012, 2:15pm
Valentine's Love Fest
Pre-concert talk: Music of Verdi, Bizet, Wagner, Mendelssohn
By Leslie Holmes
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Remarks by Greg Rice, composer
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 2:15pm
Holiday Pops
Leslie Holmes, soprano
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Emily Browder Melville, soprano
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 20, 2011, 2:15pm
Beethoven Visits Wellesley
Pre-concert talk: Music of Ludwig von Beethoven
By Leslie Holmes
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: Virginia Eskin, piano
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 9, 2011, 2:15pm
World of Wellesley Columbus Day Weekend
Pre-concert talk: Music of Rice (premiére), Grofé, Dvorak
By Leslie Holmes
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Remarks by Greg Rice, composer
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $25, $20 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 2:00pm
Recital: Ah, Paree!
Leslie Holmes, soprano, Steven Sussman, piano.
Private concert for the Union Club of Boston.
Sunday, May 8, 2011, 2:15pm
Afternoon at the Opera
Pre-concert talk: Music of Puccini, Rossini, Mascagni and Mendelssohn.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: MacKenzie Melemed, pianist.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Friday, April 8, 2011, 7:00pm
Boston Association of Cabaret Artists (BACA) Spring Festival
Leslie Holmes performs a program of songs by Harold Arlen
Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center
41 Second Street, Cambridge, MA
Tickets: $15, available at the BACA web site,
the CMAC box office (617-577-1400), or at the door.
(Please note that CMAC accepts only cash or checks.)
For more information, visit the BACA web site.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Family Concert by the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra.
Instrument Show 'n' Tell by Leslie Holmes 2:15pm
Instrument Petting Zoo at 1:30pm
Hosted by Elizabeth Perry, Director of Performing Arts, Wellesley Public Schools.
Student musicians on stage with WSO.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $10 for all.
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 6, 2011, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Dukas, Honneger, Fauré and Saint-Saëns.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: MacKenzie Melemed, pianist.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Holiday Concert
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloists: Elisa Miwa and Leslie Holmes, sopranos.
Visit from Santa, Winner of "Two Front Teeth" contest, sing-along.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 21, 2010, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Dvorÿk.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: Leland Ko, cellist.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:00pm
Les Mélodies Françaises
Recital of French song and piano solos
Music of Poulenc, Debussy, Satie, Weill, Piaf, Brel
Leslie Holmes, soprano
William Merrill, piano
M. Steinert & Sons
Sherwood Plaza, 1298 Worcester Street, Natick
Suggested donation: $10, $25 (family of 3 or more)
Reception following
Sunday, October 10, 2010, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Chadwick, Gerber, Ramsey, Rice, Copland, and Hanson.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Narrator for Copland's Lincoln Portrait: Richard S. McGhee
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 9, 2010, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Debussy, Dvorak, Kelly, and Oboe Lee.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: Grace Kelly, jazz saxophone sensation.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 2:00pm
Recital: Ah, Paree!
Leslie Holmes, soprano, Steven Sussman, piano.
Private concert for the Union Club of Boston.
Saturday, March 20, 2010, 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Ah! Paree! A Program of French Cabaret
Leslie Holmes, soprano
Doug Hammer, piano
Sponsored by the Boston Association of Cabaret Artists
Ryles Jazz Club, 212 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA
Admission: $20
Free parking
Sunday, March 14, 2010, 2:15pm
Family Concert by the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra.
Instrument Show 'n' Tell by Leslie Holmes
Instrument Petting Zoo at 1:30pm
Hosted by Elizabeth Perry, Director of Performing Arts, Wellesley Public Schools.
Student musicians on stage with WSO.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $10 for all.
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, February 7, 2010, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Glazunov, Tchaikovsky, Kabalevsky, Mussorgsky and Stravinsky.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: Magdalena Richter, violin. MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, January 24, 2010, 3:00pm
Paul Verlaine: The Composer's Poet
A lecture recital with Lori Anderson York, soprano, William Merrill, piano, and Leslie Holmes, lecturer. That more composers set the poetry of poet Paul Verlaine to music than any other French poet is a tribute to the musicality of his romantic poetry.
Amazing Things Arts Center
160 Hollis Street, Framingham, MA
Tickets: $15, $14 Seniors/Students, $12 Members
Saturday, December 19, 2009, 2:00pm
Boston Civic Symphony.
Leslie Holmes narrates music from 1982 Oscar nominated film The Snowman.
Fine Arts Center, Regis College, Weston, MA
Tickets: $20, Children/Students $10
Sunday, December 13, 2009, 3:00pm
Holiday Pops Soloists: Leslie Holmes and Nancy Gerber.
Favorite holiday music, a visit from Santa, and children get to conduct the orchestra.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 8, 2009, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Gershwin, Copland, Ives, Rice, Beethoven.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloist: Lin Lin, pianist.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, November 1, 2009, 3:00pm
Recital: Les mélodies français,
Leslie Holmes, soprano, William Merrill piano.
Music of Gabriel Fauré and Francis Poulenc. Refreshments. M. Steinert & Sons, 1298 D Worcester Road, Natick, MA
Tickets: $10 donation suggested, benefiting the Steinway Society Piano Bank, which provides pianos for musical children in need.
Sunday, October 11, 2009, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Music of Mozart, Schubert, and Haydn.
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Concert at 3:00pm, followed by Reception
Soloists: Angel Valchinov, violin, and Beth Guterman, viola. MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-0515 · ·
Sunday, May 10, 2009, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Paine, Scott Carey, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Mother's Day Season Finale
Concert at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-2082 or
Sunday, March 15, 2009, 1:30pm
Instrument Petting Zoo and Show 'n' Tell
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Family Concert
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
FREE for everyone!
781-235-2082 or
Sunday, February 8, 2009, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Bell, Mozart, Oboe Lee, Elgar, Wagner
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Winter Magic
Concert at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-2082 or
Sunday, December 14, 2008, 3:00pm
Soloist in the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Holiday Pops
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-2082 or
Sunday, November 16, 2008, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Child, Copland, Mozart, Barber, Beethoven
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's American Masters Yesterday And Today
Concert at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
781-235-2082 or
Sunday, October 19, 2008, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk: Chadwick, Copland, Liszt, Brahms, Smetana
for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Composers Across the Centuries & Around the World
Concert at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Tickets: $20, $15 Seniors/Students, Under 12 FREE
Sunday, May 4, 2008, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Season Finale: Masterworks Series
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-0515 and
$20 Adults, $15 Seniors and Students, Children under 12 FREE
Saturday, March 15, 2008, 8:30pm
Songs by Harold Arlen
with Doug Hammer at the piano
Part of the Boston Association of Cabaret Singers'
"March is Cabaret Month" celebration
Blacksmith House, 56 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA
Admission: $20 online at
Sunday, March 2, 2008, 2:15pm
Pre-concert Show 'n' Tell for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Family Concert
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information: 781-235-0515 and
Admission: FREE for all
Sunday, February 3, 2008, 2:15pm
Pre-concert Show 'n' Tell for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's The Classics
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information: 781-235-0515 and
$20 Adults, $15 Seniors and Students, Children under 12 FREE
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 2:15pm
soloist for
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's
Holiday Pops
Concert begins at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-0515 and
Admission: Adults: $20, Seniors and Students: $15, Children under 12: Free
Sunday, November 18, 2007, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's
Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales
Concert begins at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-0515 and
Admission: Adults: $20, Seniors and Students: $15, Children under 12: Free
Sunday, October 7, 2007, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's
Discover the WSO on Columbus Day Weekend
Concert begins at 3:00pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-0515 and
Admission: Adults: $20, Seniors and Students: $15, Children under 12: Free
Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 7:30pm
Feature performer for Cabaret Open Mike
Ms. Holmes will sing a program of songs by Harold Arlen,
with Michael Larson at the piano
Amazing Things Arts Center, 55 Nicholas Road, Framingham, MA
Information and directions: 508-405-ARTS and
Admission $8 ($7 BACA and AT members)
Sunday, May 13, 2007, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's
Special Mother's Day Concert (Mom's Favorites)
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
Adults $18, Seniors $15, Students $10, child under 12 free
Saturday, March 24, 2007, 1:00pm - 4:00pm, 8:00pm
Vocal Workshop, followed by an evening performance of Ah, Paree
- with songs by Harold Arlen, Duke Ellington, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, and others.
with Michael Larson at the piano
Amazing Things Art Center, 55 Nicholas Road (Saxonville), Framingham, MA
Information and tickets: 508-405-2787 and
Workshop $30, performance $12 in advance, $14 day of performance.
Sunday, March 4, 2007, 2:15pm
Pre-concert Show 'n' Tell for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Family Concert
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
Adults $10, Seniors/Students $8, child under 12 free
Sunday, February 11, 2007, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Symphonic Potpourri concert
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
Adults $18, Seniors $15, Students $10, child under 12 free
Sunday, November 19, 2006, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Celebrating the World of Wellesley
(All Mozart program commemorating his 250th birthday) concert
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
Adults $18, Seniors $15, Students $10, child under 12 free
Sunday, October 15, 2006, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's All American concert
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
Adults $18, Seniors $15, Students $10, child under 12 free
Sunday, May 7, 2006, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Season Finale: The "Three B's."
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
$18 adults, $14 seniors and students, $5 children under 12.
Sunday, April 9, 2006, 2:15pm
Pre-concert talk for the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra's Spanish Spectacular concert
Concert begins at 3pm
MassBay Community College, 50 Oak Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
$18 adults, $14 seniors and students, and $5 children under 12.
Sunday, March 12, 2006, 3pm.
Family Concert with the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra.
Narrating "The Little Engine That Could" by Alan Feinstein.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley, MA
Information and tickets: 781-235-3584 and
$10 adults, $8 students and seniors, $5 children under 12
Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 7:30pm.
Feature performer at Amazing Things Arts Center Cabaret Open Mic.
$7 and $5 (BACA and AT ARTS).
55 Nicholas Road, Framingham. 508-405-ARTS (2787).
Directions on
Sunday, December 11, 2005, 3pm.
Holiday Pops with the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra.
Narrating "The Legend of Old Bafana" by Julia Scott Carey.
MassBay Community College, 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley 781-235-3584.
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 2pm.
Holiday Pops Concert with The Civic Symphony Orchestra of Boston.
Narrating "The Snowman" by Howard Blake, based on the picture
book by Raymond Briggs.
Fine Arts Center, Regis College, Weston. 617-923-6333.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at David Lang's art studio
Robert Burns Birthday Bash
25 Washington Ave, corner of Cochituate St
(off Rt. 27 next to RR tracks) in Natick center.
Songs, poetry and fiddle tunes performed by Leslie Holmes, Kate Chadbourne,
Tyler Buck, Michael Punzak, David Ingle and Libby Franck. Open-mic begins at 7:30. Sponsored by the Amazing Things Art Center.
Admission $5, Pure malt whiskey for toasting a wee bit extra.
Bannocks and haggis provided. Info at 508-879-0361 and <>
Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 7:30pm at Amazing Things Arts
at Java Jim's Restaurant & Coffehouse
"October in Paris"
Leslie Holmes
with Michael Larson at the piano
Cabaret/Open Mike
22 Main Street, Natick
Admission $7 ($5 BACA and Amazing Members)
(781) 772-1945
Saturday, October 17, 6:00pm at The Elephant
and the Castle
"October in Paris"
Leslie Holmes
with Michael Larson at the piano
Hosted by Gordon Michaels
Admission $12
The Elephant and the Castle, 161 Devonshire Street, Boston
Phone/Reservations: 617-350-9977.
Pre-concert talks with the Wellesley Symphony:
October 10, November 7, February 6, and May 8.
December 12, 2004 Holiday Pops
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
"The Snowman", by Howard Blake with Leslie Holmes, narrator,
and Forrest Gasdia, boy soprano,
based on a picture book by Raymond Briggs
Plus our traditional sing-along, Christmas is for Children, and a visit
from Santa.
Sunday, May 16, 2:00pm at
the Wellesley Free Library,
"Leslie Holmes Sings Cabaret Francais."
William Merrill at the piano, 530 Washington Street, 781-235-1610. Admission free.
William Merrill, pianist and vocal coach, performs with many singers throughout the New England area. He is sought-after for his excellent pianistic skills as well as his wide knowledge of vocal repertoire and understanding of the singing voice. He has been on the faculties of the Longy School of Music, the Goldovsky Institute and the Opera Department of New England Conservatory. He has concertized in Rome, Italy and in the People's Republic of China. Mr. Merrill also serves as a church organist and choir director. Mr. Merrill has recorded CDs of songs by Arthur Sullivan and Noël Coward with baritone, Richard Conrad.
Wednesday, February 11, 7:30pm at the Weston
Public Library, "Valentine Love Songs."
87 School Street, 781-893-3312. Admission free.
Stow Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Barbara Jones, Director, will perform Amy Beach's "Grand Mass in E-flat" on Sun. Nov. 23 at 3pm, Hale Middle School in Stow Center. Soloists are Margo Law, soprano; Martha Remmington, mezzo; Ray Bauwens, tenor; Tom Melander, Baritone. The program will include Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4, Ernest Goldman, pianist. Opening commentary on Amy Beach by Leslie Holmes, soprano and historian. Tickets available at the door. Information: call Odette Newsome at 978-897-8242.
The Amy Beach will be performed again on Friday, Jan. 23 at 8pm, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Tremont Street, Boston (directly opposite the Park Street Station). Pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes.
The Brandeis University National Women's Committee Presents:

Singing and playing Richard Rodgers
Lorenz Hart
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
10:30 am
 Come ...
Give Your Regards To Broadway!
Well-known soprano, Leslie Holmes, and baritone, Ron Williams, first teamed up for a "Season Sampler" program with the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra in 2000.
Together with pianist, Steven Sussman, Leslie and Ron will present a program, "Give Your Regards to Broadway," at The Center for Arts in Natick on Friday, September 19 at 8pm. The program will include duets and solos from musical theater productions from 1935 to 1994. You will be treated to favorites from Show Boat, Follies, Kiss Me Kate, Guys and Dolls, Annie Get Your Gun, Bells Are Ringing, Porgy and Bess, Man of La Mancha, and other hit shows.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear Leslie Holmes, Ron Williams, and Steven Sussman in "Give Your Regards to Broadway!"
Tickets are $11 in advance, $13 at the door, $10 and $12 for students and seniors. For more information, call 508-647-0097.
Ron Williams
Recognized nationwide for his artistry in the field of opera and oratorio, Ron Williams continues to gather acclaim for his work onstage and in the concert hall. He has sung leading roles with several opera companies nationally, including San Francisco Spring Opera, Michigan Opera Theatre and Opera San Jose, where he created the role of Edward in the world premiere of Alva Henderson's The Last Leaf.
Steven Sussman
Steven Sussman plays new music and jazz, as well as the traditional repertoire. He is affiliated with the Brown Bag Opera, the Rivers Music School, and the Berklee School of Music. He performs frequently around the New England area as an accompanist, a chamber musician, and as a soloist. Mr. Sussman also maintains a private teaching studio in his home in Needham.
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